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ULM-70 / 초음파형

  • 제조사 : Dinel, s.r.o
  • 제조국 : Czech Republic
•OLED 디스플레이
•비접촉식 레벨측정
•다양한 액체종류 측정
•방폭용 Xi version


 Technical specifications – Level meter

 Measuring range 1)





 0.15 ... 2 m

 0.25 ... 6 m

 0.4 ... 10 m

 0.5 ... 20 m

 Adjustable measuring range (SPAN)

 Min. 200 mm

 Supply voltage

 ULM–70_– _ _ 

 ULM–70Xi–_ _

 18 ... 36 V DC

 18 ... 30 V DC


 ULM–70_–_ _–_–I 

 ULM–70_–_ _–_–M

 4 ... 20 mA (Limit values 3.9 ... 20.5 mA), HART® 

 RS-485 with protocol Modbus RTU

 Current consumption

 ULM–70_–_ _-_-I 

 ULM–70_–_ _-_-M

 4 ... 20 mA / Max. 22 mA 

 Max. 20 mA


 ULM–70_–02 ; 06



 <  1 mm 

 <  2 mm 

 <  2,5 mm

 Accuracy (within the total range)

 0,15 %

 Temperature error

 Max. 0,04% / K

 Operating frequency





 120 kHz 

 75 kHz 

 50 kHz 

 30 kHz

 Beamwidth (-3 dB)

 ULM–70_–02 ; 10






 Ambient temperature range

 ULM–70_–02 ; 06 

 ULM–70_–10 ; 20

 -30 ... +70°C 

 -30 ... +60°C

 Short-time temperature stress resistance

 +90°C / 1 hod.

 Max. operation overpressure (on transmission surface)

 0,1 MPa


 3 stupně (low – medium – high)


 0 ... 99 s

 Measuring period

 1 ... 4 s

 Rise time

 cca. 30 s

 Additional technical data for Ex proof  – Max. internal values

 U i=30V DC; Ii=132mA; Pi=0,99W; Ci=370nF; Li=0,9mH

 Failure indication

 (echo loss, level in dead zone 3), internal failure)

 Adjustable in modes:

 3.75 mA ; 22 mA ; Last measured value

 Protection class


 Mechanical connection





 Screwing with thread G 1''

 Screwing with thread G 1½''

 Screwing with thread G 2¼'' 

 Aluminium alloy flange

 Recommended cable

 ULM–70_–_ _–_–I 

 ULM–70_–_ _–_–M

 PVC 2 x 0,75 mm2

 PVC 2 x 2 x 0,25 mm2 (twisted pair, shielded)

 Maximal resistance of current output load

 U = 24 V DC 

 U = 22 V DC 

 U = 20 V DC 

 U = 19 V DC

 Rmax= 270 Ω 2)  

 Rmax= 180 Ω

 Rmax= 90 Ω 

 Rmax= 45 Ω






 0.3 kg

 0.4 kg

 0.7 kg

 3.1 kg

문의 031)243-1035
FAX 031)243-1025